About us
We are a team of IT technologists skilled at executing DevOps for customers in Scandinavia and DACH. As consultants for hire, we adapt to your culture, processes, tools and development platform of choice.
Our story began working as service providers managing large development platforms, for financial services enterprises. Thousands of users, internal and external stakeholder, ongoing transformations and a steady stream of projects being started and aborted, all while keeping lights on and adhering to strict European GDPR data protection and banking regulations (EBA, DORA).
Challenging environments that fosters a constant thrive of curious learning and exploration. Today no one single person can manage alone. Having the strength of a team, sharing the same view of technology as an enabler for doing good things, is an amazing feeling!
Our value proposition is to offer T-shaped individuals that fits smoothly with your team, and bring the strength of the whole combined team of ours. One person with the generic capabilities of a full cross functional DevOps team, willing and able to share extensive knowledge with you and your team.
We believe in the constant quest for cultivating knowledge together, based on an inclusive mindset. Our values are based on respect for people, culture and understanding diverse perspectives. Encouraging curiosity and excellence. Making an impact delivering business value.
Let's be frank
Complementing a DevOps team is a complex operation, with a lot of moving factors. We are confident we have seen it before and are here to support, guide and assist you. Our Technology Engagement Managers are happy to meet and listen to your challenges and how we might help. Schedule a call.
EU based
We are a distributed, remote first company, all based in EU and focusing on customers in Scandinavia and DACH. And we are ISO-27001 compliant.
No hierarchies
We are a modern operator. We share Matt Mullenwegs (founder of Wordpress) vision of Distributed Work's five levels of Autonomy. Happy to have reached level 4, we still aspire on the fifth level and beyond.
Recipe for success is asynchronous communication and transparently shared written information that is clear, concise and short. Successful operational near-shoring is depending on you being crystal clear on your business objectives, the rest just works by bringing your team together with our dedicated resources.
We aim to complement and increase your execution power! Allowing your onsite operations resources to grow and focus more on the tactical product development.